GNU/FSF Event: RMS will speak on 2005-02-23 in Trento

Patrick Ohnewein wrote:

/ Qualcuno va a Trento?

Il 23 ho un meeting ... farò comunque il possibile per esserci!


/ -------- Original-Nachricht --------

/>/ Betreff: GNU/FSF Event: RMS will speak on 2005-02-23 in Trento, Italy
/>/ Datum: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 05:25:04 -0500
/>/ Von: Free Software Foundation <info-gnu-events-moderators at <;&gt;
/>/ Newsgruppen:
/>/ Richard M. Stallman will deliver a speech, entitled "Free Software in
/>/ Ethics and Practice", on Wednesday 23 February 2005 starting at 17:00.
/>/ The event will be held at University of Trento, Sociology section, Via
/>/ Verdi 26 38100 Trento.
/>/ This speech will be delivered in English.
/>/ GNU stickers will be available without charge.
/>/ Free
/>/ 5 minute walk from the train station. By car, take the exit Trento centro
/>/ of the A22 motorway.
/>/ _______________________________________________
/>/ GNU and FSF Events mailing list <info-gnu-events at <;&gt;
/>/ /

Cercherò di andarci anche io, perchè il personaggio mi attira molto.
Paolo V.

Wenn jemand hinunterfahren würde, könnte
ich mich dann anschliessen?

Grüße Daniel

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