RE: problemi a masterizzare con il kernel 2.6.8.

A questo proposito c'é un avvertimento sul sito di k3b:


Paolo Vismara wrote:

A questo proposito c'é un avvertimento sul sito di k3b:

Do not use Kernel 2.6.8

A patch that was introduced into the kernel shortly before the 2.6.8
release makes K3b and also the dvd+rw-tools unusable on Linux (unless
run as root but that is not recommended). The very important GET
CONFIGURATION MMC command is rejected by the kernel for reasons I cannot
see and writing commands like MODE SELECT also fail (K3b cannot detect
CD writers without it) even when the device is opened O_RDWR. Until this
issue has been solved I strongly recommend to stick to kernel version 2.6.7.

Update: The kernel guys are currently fixing the problem so the next
kernel release should work again. :slight_smile:

Update 2: The problem is NOT fixed in

Update 3: Be aware that kernel 2.6.8 also contains the memory leak which
makes it impossible to write audio cds, even as root.

Mi sa che continuero' ad usare il 2.6.7 :slight_smile:

Happy hacking e grazie a tutti!


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