Sorry everybody, I hadn't understood that the mail was coming from the mailing list, that's why I was wondering about the English :)
Ok, quick introduction to Secret Media Lab, we're a bunch of people who like to explore the creative use of technology in the fields of music and visual arts. We started as a circuit bending ground, but we didn't stop at that (though we still organize circuit bending workshops).
We have a small website which you can see here:
One of our fellow benders is a bit into Arduino, he mainly creates glitchy visuals, you can see of his stuff here:
So as you can see, there might be some common ground.
Hi Hannes,
are you subscribed to the mailing list?
To avoid spam we accept only mails from subscribed addresses.
let me answer your mail inline...
On 2013-11-19 10:38, "Hannes Pasqualini –" wrote:
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
I think the idea is to have a group of people interested in discussing
project ideas in the field of Open Hardware and/or embedded hardware
with Free Software.
Arduino seams to fit the topic very well in my personal view.
There are some RaspberryPi projects already known to us. I see people
using Arduino and others using RaspberryPi who could meet up and get
creative together.
ps: is there a reason why you write in English?
Seams to become the common language on the mailing list. We have native
German, Italian, Ladin, Swedish, English, ... speakers subscribed and
English seams the language everyone can read.
Happy hacking!
H A N N E S P A S Q U A L I N I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\