E-Mail Notification Problem - solved!

Hi Community,

Unfortunately, we currently have a problem with our mail server.
The mail is currently not working. This means that those who have activated the mail notification in talk are currently not getting any notifications. We are currently fixing the problem.

We are sorry for the inconvenience!


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Das heiĂźt jede Mail an @lugbz.org kommt nicht nur nicht an. Sondern der Absender bekommt auch nicht mitgeteilt, dass die Mail nicht zugestellt werden konnte. Habe ich das so richtig verstanden?

Jedenfalls sind das meine Beobachtungen die ich in einem Gespräch in Bozen mit Anton gestern herausfinden konnte im Selbsttest. Mein Posteingang bekommt jedenfalls keine Testmails. Kann das jemand reproduzieren/bestätigen?

Hi Andreas,

ja genau! Super zusammengefasst!

Nulla funziona Andreas della vecchia mail. Io ho gravi difficoltà a variare le mail inserite in alcuni account (esempio Lepid.it per lo SPID) perchè per la verifica il servizio invia due mail: una al vecchio diego.maniacco@lugbz.org ed una al nuovo.
Risultato: non funzionando @lugbz.org (nemmeno come relay-service) non riesco a modificare la mail associata allo SPID.

… und in 2 stunden trifft sich ein “krisenteam” bei eresia…
nix ist verloren, und…
snicket, talk, mastodon, bbb laufen !

slowbit rocks on the long run

i heard the meeting took more than 3 hours of shared thinking/testing…
hm… perhaps the systeam has succeeded ?? that would confirm that essentially we would need SI (shared human intelligence) much more than AI …

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Hello everyone!

We have good news to announce: the mailserver is working again!
This means that everyone who has an @lugbz.org address will get their e-mails forwarded to their mailbox as usual.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the SysTeam.

73 de Raphael

Notifications still do not work for me!

We have had this issue before: when the mail server is down, email notifications from Discourse are bounced, and Discourse disables notifications until the “bounce score” is reset.

The automatic reset happens in a month or so, but maybe a reset can be done manually.

Oh okay, I didn’t know about this problem. I have now set the bounce score of all users to 0