with much pleasure we announce the release of the latest ISO image of FUSS 12 based on Debian 12.5.
As usual you can find it here: https://iso.fuss.bz.it/fuss12/client/
We updated the kernel (6.1.76-1) and all packages.
New packages were added by the latest upgrade of fuss-software metapackages:
Please don’t hesitate to report bugs or suggest new packages that you’d like to see in the FUSS distribution.
Best regards,
FUSS - Free Upgrade for a Sustainable School - https://fuss.bz.it
Sostenibilità digitale a scuola
Digitale Nachhaltigkeit in der Schule
Sostignibilité digitala a scora
Digital Sustainability at School
the FUSS iso images are now two as before. We used to call them “full” and “lite”.
Some people asked us to generate the “lite” version again which is without educational packages. We fulfilled this desiderata and decided to refresh the names also.
The new images are now called Education and Base and can be found as usual here: https://iso.fuss.bz.it/fuss12/client/
fuss-12-amd64-live-base-20240330.iso (6.9G)
fuss-12-amd64-live-education-20240330.iso (11G)
Have a nice day!
FUSS - Free Upgrade for a Sustainable School - https://fuss.bz.it
Sostenibilità digitale a scuola
Digitale Nachhaltigkeit in der Schule
Sostignibilité digitala a scora
Digital Sustainability at School
with much pleasure we announce the release of the latest ISO images of FUSS 12 based on Debian 12.8.
As usual you can find them here: https://iso.fuss.bz.it/fuss12/client/.
Please don’t hesitate to report bugs or suggest new packages that you’d like to see in the FUSS distribution.
Best regards,
FUSS - Free Upgrade for a Sustainable School - https://fuss.bz.it
Sostenibilità digitale a scuola
Digitale Nachhaltigkeit in der Schule
Sostignibilité digitala a scora
Digital Sustainability at School
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