Pizza Night at Merano with FSFE!

Hey LUGBZ friends,

I hope you’re all doing well! :blush:

I’ve been craving some delicious pizza lately, and I thought it would be awesome to get together for a pizza. By the way, I’ve heard that FSFE usually organizes pizza nights on Tuesdays at Merano. How about we plan to meet there sometime this week or next Tuesday with FSFE ?. Can’t wait to hang out with you all!

Looking forward to your responses!


hi @jamilhamza595 , if there is private transport to and from merano, i am with you !!!
maybe @raphael e.a. are listening :slight_smile:

That’s a great idea! The FSFE Merano always (as far as I know) organizes a meeting in Merano on the last Tuesday of the month.