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-------- Messaggio originale --------Da: Maurizio Napolitano <napoogle(a)gmail.com> Data: 25/09/19 14:38 (GMT+01:00) A: linuxtrent <linuxtrent(a)freelists.org> Oggetto: [Linuxtrent] seminario sul modello Smart City in Alto Adige di Patrick Ohnewein a Trento Questo venerdì alle 14:30 il mitico Patrick Ohnewein sarà in FBK perraccontare il modello di Smart City che stanno sviluppando in AltoAdige.Fatemi sapere se siete interessati.Qui sotto il testo ufficiale di FBK-----------------------------------------------DATE: Friday 27 September 2019, 14:30ROOM: Sala Consiglio - Edificio OvestTITLE: SMART Green Regions through networks of digital talentsSPEAKER: Patrick Ohnewein Head of Unit NOI Techpark Südtirol / Alto AdigeABSTRACT: In this talk Patrick Ohnewein will explain the strategy toimplement a SMART Green Region through a network of digital talents.How do research and development projects become a platform forcommunity building in the region? Why is the region investing in anOpen Data Hub and how does the region use R&D projects and digitaltechnologies to strengthen the local talents community? These andother questions will be discussed during the talk.-- Maurizio "Napo" Napolitanohttp://de.straba.us–Per iscriversi (o disiscriversi), basta spedire un messaggio con OGGETTO"subscribe" (o "unsubscribe") a mailto:linuxtrent-request(a)freelists.org
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